What’s the difference between active and unique subscribers ?
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The terms – unique and active subscribers might be a bit confusing at first, but hopefully, this article will help you differentiate between them.
Active subscribers number means the total amount of recipients that you have uploaded into your account (at the moment) minus those that have unsubscribed, bounced, or reported spam.
Unique subscribers number tells you how many unique email addresses you’ve sent a campaign to. It also takes into account bounces, unsubscribes, and deleted ones. If you’ve sent an email to the address – it’s counted as a unique subscriber.
The active subscribers count gets recalculated every hour. The unique subscribers’ count gets reset each billing period (monthly). Both of these numbers cannot exceed your plan limits. For example, if you have a plan with 10 000 subscribers, the Active subscriber count, as well as the Unique subscriber count, cannot go over the 10 000 subscriber limit.
Imagine your plan limit is 15 000 emails and 2 500 subscribers. You send a campaign to 2 500 subscribers, then remove them and add 2 500 new ones. In this case, the system will see that as a total of 5 000 unique subscribers and will not allow you to send the campaign and in consequence for you to exceed the set limit.
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